AutoPlay Audits
Unlock the power of AutoPlay
The Road to a Sale done right. That's what AutoPlay offers, and in the main it delivers.
However, AutoPlay's vast array of functionality and myriad of dashboards means that sometimes dealers aren't able to truly unlock the full power of AutoPlay.
Boost Auto offers three products to help you make the most of every lead, every time.
Firstly, we will offer an AutoPlay audit. A low-cost way of working out just how good your team is at moving opportunities down the sales funnel with your current set up. We will review elements like lead conversion data, test drives, order intake, sales, response times, stalled leads, contacts to sale and many more, to help you identify where you are ahead and behind the competition and benchmarks. Then we will provide tips on what to do to address any shortfalls. The audit comes as a Teams based presentation, and of course you get a copy of the findings, which you can use to improve your business.
We also offer AutoPlay dashboard creation and target setting. AutoPlay's default dashboards are an 'all you can eat buffet', when you just wanted a burger. We create dashboards that help you focus on what matters most, and we can create targets for leads, test drive sand conversions so you can see if your sales teams are on track. We can even duplicate these dashboards so that each branch and brand report on the same metrics, and create a 'boss view' for the head of sales operations so that the performance metrics are consistent across all business units. These enables benchmarking and better performance management.
Our third product in our AutoPlay portfolio, is a three hour AutoPlay best practice session, where we review Road to Sale and incorporate the audit findings to ensure that Sales Managers and Sales Consultants have the right tools and knowledge to travel down a path of increased sales and continual improvement.